Friday, September 19, 2014

My Dad

 So... I'm suppose to go on a date tomorrow! Awesome right?! I'm excited! This guy is absolutely amazing. Every time we talk he keeps wowing me more and more. The other thing is we haven't really talked very long though, since Tuesday night. We met my work a few months ago. Not officially or anything though. Just "Hey, how are you?" type of thing every time we saw each other. We didn't know each others names until Tuesday. Anyways, we're going for breakfast tomorrow, but before we go he is going to ask my dad if he can date me. Amazing right? I'm 19, I don't need my father's permission to date someone, but this guy respects me enough he is going to ask my dad (someone he's never met), to date me. That's awesome. I didn't ask him too, he decided this all on his own.
 The thing is, my dad doesn't care who I date. Your probably thinking I'm wrong and he does, but no, he really doesn't. I already told my dad he was coming over tomorrow morning, he didn't have much too say. Just a few basic questions. How old is he? What's is name? Actually, I'm pretty sure those are the only questions he asked me. Then today, my dad tells me as he was trying to sleep last night, questions about this guy kept racing through his mind, but he couldn't remember what they were now. So, I told my dad he could just ask this guy tomorrow when he meets him. My dad said "Nahh, it really only matters what you think of him.". That hurt, because no, it DOES matter what my dad thinks of this guy. My dad isn't gonna make sure this is a godly guy, my dad isn't gonna see what his intentions are, my dad isn't gonna neither approve or disapprove of him. Does my dad really think my judgement is that good, where I don't need him? I hope not, because as a father it's his job to protect me, but he's not gonna.
 I was reading a question I had asked on a forum a few months ago, before I had met this guy, about guys asking the father too date the girl. I came across one answer how this lady had a lot of trouble with guys when she was my age. Her dad was the same as mine, just didn't care. They both have the attitude "It's your life, do whatever you want". It hurt her just as bad as it's hurting me, I kept reading her answer then she said this "At the end of the day, my father may never step step up too that role, but I do have a heavenly father that is crazy protective about me and only wants the best for me. I'm so glad I can rest in the fact that, if for some reason, I find myself in some unhealthy situation, he is ready to barge down some doors and yell, 'That's MY daughter you're mistreating!'" Wow, that helped so much. It's so true, whether my dad protects me or not from anything really, not just guys, God really will step down and he will somehow or another protect me. I do, really do want my earthly father's approval about who I date, but he's not going to give it either way, he just doesn't care. But God... He will always care and protect me, I can't even explain how amazing it is too know I will always have someone looking out for me, someone too love me, and protect me.


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