I'm moving to a different house today. It's just right up the road, but I
still I have to go through all my stuff move it up there. While going
through some of my stuff I found a few papers I had wrote a long time. I read this one and I felt super happy! I definitely needed this reminder today. I wanted to share this one here.
When I look in the mirror, I see someone who isn't very pretty. Actually, I'd even call her ugly. Someone with hazel eyes, her hair is just a little past her shoulders. I see someone with pimples everywhere on her face, someone whose eye brows need plucked. Her nose is wide, her eye lashes are to thin. I see someone whose teeth is white with a hint of yellow. She has bags underneath her eyes, that she only seems to notice. Her hair is wavy, she wishes it was straight. It's light brown, she wishes it was red. Her lips are the only thing she likes about herself, but she wishes she could change that also. I see someone who is 5'2 and weighs 115 pounds, everyone tells her she is tiny, but she still wishes she could weigh less. Her legs are short, her chest is flat. I see someone who wishes she could look completely different. Someone who wishes that someone in this this world -that isn't family- would tell her that she is beautiful and actually mean it. I see someone who has never had a true friend, she longs for one, but nobody ever seems to notice her, she feels invisible. When I look in the mirror, I see me. I see someone who God has created! God made her just as she is for a reason. She is beautiful in His eyes! God had placed every person in her -my- life for a reason. Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
Isn't it amazing who we see when we look in the mirror? We look for our flaws, yet God doesn't see any of them. He see's the person He created, that perfect, beautiful person.